Animal Sculptures & Stained Glass Lamps
By Arkie Pisello Sr.

To Order Call (219) 362-2451 between 8am to 6pm (CT)
Locally owned in LaPorte, IN

Its Finally Here The Book You've Been Waiting For
(How to Make A 3-Dimensional Stained Glass Sculpture)



General Information
arr_blu.gif (904 bytes)Introduction and Background

Product Galleries:

arr_blu.gif (904 bytes)How To Make A Three Dimensional Stained Glass Sculpture -- 23" Cougar

arr_blu.gif (904 bytes)Glass Christmas Tree arr_blu.gif (904 bytes)Glass Cactus arr_blu.gif (904 bytes)Butterfly Lady

3 Dimensional Sculptures:
arr_blu.gif (904 bytes)Scarlet Macaw arr_blu.gif (904 bytes)Statue Of Liberty arr_blu.gif (904 bytes)Jesus
arr_blu.gif (904 bytes)Sea Horse arr_blu.gif (904 bytes)Giraffe arr_blu.gif (904 bytes)Elephant
arr_blu.gif (904 bytes)Lion arr_blu.gif (904 bytes)Cougar or Lioness arr_blu.gif (904 bytes)King Cobra
arr_blu.gif (904 bytes)Unicorn arr_blu.gif (904 bytes)Snail arr_blu.gif (904 bytes)Wood Duck
arr_blu.gif (904 bytes)Pyramid arr_blu.gif (904 bytes)Skull arr_blu.gif (904 bytes)Gold Fish

arr_blu.gif (904 bytes)Wisteria Lamp 18" arr_blu.gif (904 bytes)Grape Lamp 18"
arr_blu.gif (904 bytes)Flowering Lotus Lamp 18" arr_blu.gif (904 bytes)Water Lily Lamp 20"


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